1. Fly the 16 DME ARC from 330 degree radial FROM STL VOR to track outbound on the 270 degree radial.
2. Hold West at 20 DME on the 270 degree radial from STL VOR standard turns (right).
3. Hold East at 7 DME on the 270 degree radial from the STL VOR non-standard turns (left).
Since I didn't have a DME (distance measuring equipment) in the plane, I used the GPS TO STL VOR 117.4 which listed the distance from the STL VOR.
Here are the steps I took in order to complete the DME ARCs and HOLDS:
Set up and flying to the DME ARC
Comm 1 tune 123.0 for 3SQ
Comm 2 tune 123.0 for 3SQ
NAV 1 tune 117.4 twist FROM STL 270 (once the DME is completed, this was to be the outbound 270)
NAV 2 tune 117.4 twist FROM STL 330 (this was the outbound to intercept the 16 DME ARC)
Departed 270 and fly runway heading until reaching 1100 ft.
Turned right crosswind heading 360 which happened to be a 30 degree intercept for the 330 radial.
Made positive transfer of controls by stating, "you've got the controls", the instructor in return stated, "I've got the controls", followed by my stating, "you've got the controls". At this point I was free to apply my foggles (view limiting device). When placed correctly, all I could see were the instruments, thus, instrument flying as if I were in the clouds.
Once the foggles were in place, I took back the controls by stating, "I've got the controls", the instructor in return stated, "you've got the controls", followed by my stating, "I've got the controls". The instructor was my eyes for traffic and/or obstacles.
I was instructed to climb to 1500 ft and continue heading 360 watching the NAV 2 to start centering on the 330 radial.
Identified NAV 1 and NAV 2 for their morse codes.
Once the NAV 2 needle came close to centering, I turned left to intercept the 330 degree radial and flew outbound.
Once I reached the 15.5 DME, I turned left 90 degrees (heading 240) to intercept the 16 DME ARC.
Flying the DME ARC
Twist NAV 2 from 330 to 320 and continued to fly heading 240. Minor adjustments were made in heading keeping the DME distance as close to 16 nm as I could. The goal was to stay within one nm of either side of 16 nm.
Once NAV 2 centered, twisted 320 to 310 and turn 10 degrees left heading 230.
Once NAV 2 centered, twisted 310 to 300 and turn 10 degrees left heading 220.
Once NAV 2 centered, twisted 300 to 290 and turn 10 degrees left heading 210.
Once NAV 2 centered, twisted 290 to 280 and turn 10 degrees left heading 200.
Once NAV 2 centered, twisted 280 to 270 and turn 10 degrees left heading 190.
Just before the NAV 1 (270 FROM) centered, turned right to intercept outbound 270 degree radial.
Set NAV 2 to 090 TO STL for the "hold" to follow.
Hold West at 20 DME on the 270 degree radial from STL VOR standard turns (right).
NAV 1 was already set at 270 degree radial FROM STL VOR (this was to be the outbound)
NAV 2 was set to 090 TO STL VOR for the inbound 20 DME.
Since I was at the completion of the 16 DME ARC heading 270 and needed to hold at the 20 DME (West), I needed to continue flying West.
My hold entry was a parallel entry, so, I needed to turn around.
At 20 DME, I continued on the 270 degree radial for 1 min.
At 1 minute I turned left 210 degrees (180 degrees + 30) to 060 which set me up for a 30 degree intercept to 90 degrees TO STL.
Once the NAV 2 started coming in, I turned right TO 090 to center the needle. At this point, I was turned around and flying inbound to the 20 DME.
Once at 20 DME, I simulated a call to approach and stated, "N#, established in the hold", turned right 180 degrees heading 270 outbound. When at 20 DME, started my time for 1 minute for the outbound leg.
At 1 minute, turned right 180 degrees heading 090 TO inbound and remained on the 270 degree radial.
Once reaching the 20 DME, I continued inbound to the 7 DME for the next hold.
Hold East at the 7 DME on the 270 degree radial FROM STL non-standard turns (left).
NAV 1 270 FROM STL remained the same which was my inbound to the fix 7 DME
NAV 2 090 TO STL remained the same which was my outbound FROM the fix 7 DME
Since I was to hold East of 7DME and I was coming from the WEST, I needed to turn around, so, my entry was to be a parallel entry.
Once I reached 7 DME, I continued for 1 minute 090 TO.
At 1 minute turned right 210 degrees (180 + 30) for a 300 degree heading.
As NAV 1 270 FROM began to center, turned left to intercept the 270 degree radial heading 270 to 7 DME.
Once at 7 DME, turned left (non-standard turn) heading 090 which was outbound.
Started my time at 7 DME/level wings.
Simulated a call to approach, "St. Louis approach, N# established in the hold."
At 1 minute I turned 180 degrees left heading 270 inbound to 7 DME.
Once reaching 7 DME, I was exhausted and made a 180 to head back to 3SQ.
Monday, August 18, 2008
DME ARCs are "The track over the ground of an aircraft flying at a constant distance from a navigational aid by reference to distance measuring equipment.", and HOLDING FIXES are "A specified fix identifiable to a pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the ground used as a reference point in establishing and maintaining the position of an aircraft while holding.", according to Rod Machado's Instrument Pilot's Handbook.
On 8/18/08, I practiced flying a DME ARC and 2 HOLDS:
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