Sunday, April 12, 2009

Talking and Listening with ATC

Talking and Listening with Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) has always been quite a learning curve for me and I know for so many others. I'm listing some helpful tips learned from my instructors and ones I've gathered from a couple of fellow women pilots from the 99s.

1. Communications VFR (or IFR depending on what you're working on) Training Comm1 Radio Simulator CD-ROM:
-It's an interactive radio comm on the ground, departing, enroute, arriving in all types of scenarios
-It provides a radio that you dial in the frequencies
-It provides the maps/AFD pages to obtain the info
-You talk w/sim ATC, it records your responses and you can playback tohear what you sound like (allows you to critique yourself in private)
-There so much on the sim that it never gets boring
-I recommend the headset they sell to use with it (makes it more realistic)

2. Back to Back w/Instructor:
-My instructor had an intercom system we could plug our headsets into
-We'd sit back to back
-The instructor acted as ATC
-I'd have my maps in hand and we'd complete a mock ride from beginning to end

3. Air PLANE TALK - Working the ATC System:
-Suggested reading

4. ATC Tower near you:
-Call up your nearby tower and schedule your visit to sit and watch/listen to the contollers talk to pilots from their end and see what they do in the tower
-Be sure to go on a day when most pilots would fly (good weather) so there isa lot of action to see/hear

5. Write down all the steps to take in each scenario and go over it with your instructor

From: Sally Siebe

1. ** Relax ** and Listen for your call sign before transmitting. They will either acknowledge and give instructions or ask for more information. Either way, process what you hear before responding.

2. ** Ask them to Say Again - *slower* (if necessary)** Let them know you are a student and they will usually speak more slowly. They really are there to help you and are willing to do so.

3. One thing that may help is to make up a card to remind you what to include in the initial transmission. Before you key the mike, refer to the card and know what you are going to say. This will give you more confidence. The standard things to include on are:

{Who to} Who you are calling
{Who from} Who are you (plane & tail number)
{Location} How far away or what are you over
{Location} Direction of travel
{Altitude} in thousands & hundreds of feet
{Intentions/Request} What do you want
{Information} ATIS - if appropriate

4. Listen to Live ATC online at the link below. There are many feeds from airports around the country. It will give you a feel for the rhythm of the transmissions. I suggest you listen a Class D airport first, there will usually be less traffic and more time for you to hear each call. Then listen to a Class B airport to hear more rapid fire conversations. You will learn from any you listen to.

From: Sandy Belinski


1. Some members gave the advice of purchasing (or borrowing) a handheld scanner - I highly recommend this.
-It is great if you can be at the (an) airfield while listening, but more importantly - have a sectional in front of you so you can visualize who is saying what, when and why.
-Also useful is an airport diagram showing the various taxiways, runways and ground procedures.
-You could try having your terminal chart or sectional (as applicable to where you operate from) laminated, and write traffic locations/updates right on the chart with an overhead (erase-able) pen. That way you can follow the progression of each aircraft from start-up to departure, or arrival to shut-down and BE each aircraft.

2. Fly as often as you can - either as the pilot, or bum ride-a-longs on weekend fly-ins with AOPA members, civil air patrol or any general aviation enthusiasts you can find. Offer to run the radios for the person flying and keep your map handy. A local commercial operator may even be persuaded to let you swamp on a space-available basis - you never know until you ask.

3. Try to arrange field-trips to the local or nearby tower and/or FSS station and ask if you can hang out there. Bring coffee or treats for the staff and you just might find yourself a regular observer seat.

From: Kirsten Brazier

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