St Louis MO (Spirit Of St Louis) [KSUS] terminal forecast issued on the 17th at 5:36pm CST (2336Z), valid from the 17th at 6pm CST (00Z) through 6pm CST (24Z)
6pm CST (00Z) wind variable at 4 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, sky clear
8:00pm CST (0200Z) wind calm, visibility greater than 6 miles, 25,000 feet scattered
3am (09Z)-6am CST (12Z) temporarily visibility 4 miles, mist
6:00am CST (1200Z) wind 120° at 5 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, 12,000 feet broken
12:00 noon CST (1800Z) wind 120° at 7 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, 12,000 feet broken.
Springfield IL (Capital) [KSPI] terminal forecast issued on the 17th at 5:30pm CST (2330Z), valid from the 17th at 6pm CST (00Z) through 6pm CST (24Z)
6pm CST (00Z) wind variable at 3 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, 25,000 feet broken
3:00am CST (0900Z) wind variable at 3 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, 10,000 feet scattered, 25,000 feet broken
5am (11Z)-7am CST (13Z) temporarily visibility 4 miles, mist
8:00am CST (1400Z) wind 140° at 12 knots, visibility greater than 6 miles, 10,000 feet broken.
Winds aloft forecast based on observations taken on the 17th at 6:00am CST (1200Z). Forecast valid on the 18th at 6:00am CST (1200Z), for use from 12:00 midnight CST (0600Z) to 11:00am CST (1700Z).
Temperatures are negative above 24,000 feet.
FT 3000 6000 9000 12000 18000 24000 30000 34000 39000
COU 2113 2916+18 3116+10 3114+04 3110-10 2708-21 291538 312447 292854
Columbia MO [COU]
SPI 9900 3208+16 3415+10 3222+03 3420-09 3118-21 301938 291947 292755
Springfield IL [SPI]
STL 1505 3107+17 3316+11 3320+04 3516-09 3213-21 301538 291347 292354
St Louis MO [STL]
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