It’s always been hard for me to venture away from the airport. The thought always was in the back of my mind, what if I couldn’t find my way back??? I can remember when I practiced maneuvers by myself…. I’d look back to make sure I didn’t go too far as I wanted the airport to remain in my sight. Each time I practiced, I’d push myself to fly farther and farther away, weaning myself from the airport. Now, by just making the mere decision to fly (I had the choice to fly or drive) and then committing to the group that I’d fly-in was a huge step for me, let alone actually following through with it. I battled with self-doubt and very little confidence. My thoughts were, “Yeah, I passed my check ride, but am I truly capable… I was taking my first passenger, am I safe enough… I was going to another location, will I be able to find my way back. … It’s a grass strip of all things, will I be able to find it… What’s the weather like, hope there’s a storm coming in so I can back out…My son’s in town visiting from the Air Force, I’ll just tell them I wanted to spend more time with him… I do have the option to drive, why don’t I just drive. It would be cheaper.” I told myself, “I made a commitment. I’m capable. I’m safe. It’s practically on top of a VOR. I’ll find it. If not, call it a joy ride and go back. The weather is “good to go”. I’m taking my son as my first passenger and he’s tickled pink to go. It’s only 21 nautical miles away!!! Get a grip!” You’ve heard of people flying somewhere for their one hundred dollar hamburger? Well, I flew in for a one hundred dollar potluck lunch and enjoyed a “priceless” experience.
This opportunity has given me the self-confidence to step out of my comfort zone and go for it!
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