Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My experience with CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)

Thursday, March 13th was clear... not a cloud in the sky... at least 10 sm visibility... without visible moisture... no reports of water, ice, snow, mist, haze or fog. It was a perfect day, just cold. I made my choice between "go" or "no go" and I chose to "go". Then it happened. I had my first experience with CFIT (better known in my case as--cluts falls into terrain) upon returning to the house after warming up my jeep. I've taken this route many, many times before. I was very familiar with it.

One second I was walking back to the house and the next second I was soaring through the air at Vne (velocity to never exceed) speed.......could have broken the sound barrier, not sure. I landed hard on the concrete with gross weight on my elbow, which proceeded to ram into my ribs. It took a moment for me to finally catch my breath. When doing so, I could taste exhaust fumes, as I was staring directly into the tailpipe. To avoid the likeliness of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, I had to make a move. Not without looking around to see if anyone saw me wollering in the driveway, I gimped back into the house.

Faced with another choice between "go" or "no go", I chose to "go" to work. Since breathing wasn't optional, and I couldn't, I determined 7.5 hours was my cut off point for working as I was in a lot of pain. I thought I better get an x-ray to obtain the damage. Inspection revealed a fractured rib. Very little moving (breathing) was prescribed along with a constipating pain reliever called Darvocet. (Just what someone needs with a broken rib....something to cause straining to eliminate....sigh.... needless to say I didn't purchase the grounding drug.)

The incident occurred at 5 a.m. in the morning. Next time I make the same familiar venture out to my jeep that early, I will make sure not to take the attitude of "it won't happen to me", as it has happened. I will also complete a "self evaluation" as to whether I'm "safe" and can make such a venture... Am I awake, am I alert enough to plan my moves and stay ahead of my feet, am I situationally aware of where I'm going and am I going to make each movement with purpose?

With time, all will heal. However, I'm left with having to re-evaluate whether I should continue warming up my jeep. It's been my passion in life...... I can't imagine discontinuing it completely. Cutting back may be an option, we'll see.

I hope that's the only experience with CFIT (better known as in my case as--cluts falls into terrain) I'll ever endure.

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